Monday, November 7, 2011

Just you wait and see...

Well, Vera Lynn promised Bluebirds, but all we really saw was grey concrete.

If you thought Worthing sounded bad then you should see Dover! To be fair, Worthing was a letdown because it was supposed to be a gorgeous seaside town when it was just a shi.. - well we all know what I thought of Worthing - whereas we didn't really have any expectations of Dover except for the beautiful white cliffs. And it did deliver on those - they were stunning. However, natural landscape aside, Dover was grim. Grim. A centre of grey post-War concrete and people in tracksuit pants smoking cigarettes and looking surly. And it rained all four days we were there.

In its defense, Dover had the crap bombed out of it in World War Two, and so it lost a lot of its beauty and history. Those jolly Germans have a lot to answer for!

(Remains of a church, destroyed in WW2, built by the Romans)

When we first arrived, we had a few hours of sun before the rain set in, so at least we were able to see the White Cliffs in all their glory. And France. France! We were both so surprised at how close the coastline was.

(I told you the natural landscape was lovely)

And that is where I shall leave it, my children. Tomorrow's adventures shall feature CASTLES and SECRET WAR TUNNELS. 

Tomorrow, just you wait and see...

(Vera Lynn singing White Cliffs of Dover )

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